How to Make Homemade Vinegar – Know How

  • How can I ferment vinegar myself?
  • What do I need to be aware of when using mother of vinegar?
  • How can I determine the acid content myself?
  • How can I determine the alcohol content myself?
  • What vinegar making equipment do I need to ferment vinegar?
  • Current developments and new features you can find in our free Newsletter.


You need vinegar calculations time and time again when making vinegar yourself.

  • Vinegar diluting calculator: How much water has to be added to the vinegar to obtain the desired acetic acid in the product? How much water has to be added to the glacial acetic acid for fermentation to start?
  • Mixing vinegars of different concentrations: In what proportions do two vinegars with different acetic acid content have to be mixed to achieve the desired acid concentration?
  • Vinegar-alcohol mixing: What amounts of alcohol and vinegar have to be mixed to achieve a specific starting concentration?
  • Calculator for the acidity of vinegar: How can I determine the concentration of the acetic acid in addition to the alcohol?

Instructions – How to Make Homemade Vinegar

There is also a short vinegar making guide and instructions:


Or do you simply have questions on making vinegar or the vinegar-making equipment:

The Vinegar Generator

Information on purchasing a small vinegar generator and self-constructed devices:

How to Make Homemade Vinegar? Ingredients for Vinegar

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